Skin Care Tips for the Post-Lunar New Year: Regain Your Glow and Feel Refreshed!
Improve Your Skin’s Condition with Fresh Milk Fresh milk contains enzymes and lactic acid that can help whiten, brighten, and moisturize the skin. It also helps prevent aging and is safe for all skin types. In addition to drinking fresh milk, you can also use it to massage your face. The process of massaging your face with fresh milk is simple. First, clean your face and then apply a small amount of pure fresh milk evenly all over your face. While applying, massage until the milk dries. Finally, wash your face with warm water. By doing this daily, your face will become smooth, beautiful, and acne-free. Eliminate Blackheads with an Orange Peel and Yogurt Face Mask If you want to remove blackheads from your face, use an orange peel and yogurt face mask. This mask will quickly remove blackheads and leave your skin refreshed, brighter, and softer. To make the face mask, cut a small amount of fresh orange peel and mix it with a little yogurt. Blend the mixture and then apply it...